The Wedding Ring market is changing. Recently Palladium rings, once popular around the time of WWII, made a resurgence as a popular material for a wedding ring and then the price skyrocketed, along with other precious metals.

One material that has remained stable for wedding rings for over 20 years is Titanium, both in the UK and the USA. In fact, this material is now being increasingly used in the creation of jewellery due to its lightness, strength and durability.

Here are the pros and cons of titanium wedding rings. 

What are the advantages of buying titanium wedding rings?

  • Titanium rings are very scratch resistant, hypoallergenic and lightweight at around a quarter of the weight of gold. Titanium is a high tensile material meaning it will resist deformation and retain it's shape longer than precious metal rings.
  • The original 'showroom finish' on a Titanium ring will last longer than for rings of other materials.
  • Unlike rings made from some precious metals, Titanium rings will not wear thin quickly and, under normal wear, are durable enough to last a lifetime.
  • It is hypoallergenic, meaning very few people will react to the metal when wearing a Titanium ring.
  • Titanium rings are more affordable compared to those made with Gold, Platinum or Palladium.
  • Titanium rings may be a good option for couples that are looking for unusual designs; the material is part of the refractive metals group, meaning that it can be anodised with various colours.
  • Titanium wedding rings can be combined with various other materials such as precious metals and hardwood inlays. 
  • The addition of a precious metal inlay in a titanium ring complements a partner's ring made from precious metal.
  • They can easily be set with traditional and coloured Diamonds, multi-coloured Sapphires and Rubies.
  • You can design your own bespoke ring, creating a unique look for your special day.
  • Titanium enables original design along with high quality workmanship at an affordable price.
  • Originally thought of as the male choice for a wedding ring, Titanium is also popular with women as a choice for a wedding or dress ring with slimmer more feminine designs appearing, allowing for matching couples wedding rings.
  • Titanium can be finished in a combination of ways. A Titanium ring can benefit from single or twin finishes such as polished, matt, sateened, linished or wire-brushed.
  • Titanium rings do not require re-plating like low grade white gold and can be refinished readily. 


What are the disadvantages and myths of having a titanium wedding ring:


  • Myth: Titanium has matte finish; therefore rings in titanium cannot be polished like those made of gold or platinum.
  • Fact: Titanium can have various finishes applied to it exactly the same as precious metals; eg: Satin, polished, heavy wire brushed, bead blasted, laser frosted.
  • Myth: Titanium rings cannot have prong settings that traditional engagement rings have unless the prong setting is made from another metal.
  • Fact: Admittedly, prong settings are difficult and not readily available, however, prongs settings can be achieved in Titanium by the use of 3D laser printing.
  • Myth: They can be difficult to size as it cannot be soldered, so make sure to order the right size!
  • Fact: Titanium is a malleable material and can be compressed and stretched with the correct equipment. The inability to resize some rings is down to the design of the ring and how far it needs sizing which can also apply to certain designs of rings in other precious metals.
  • Myth: Titanium rings don't scratch.
  • Fact: Titanium is durable but will take on rub marks and scratches just like rings in most metals. However, in time the marks will blend in allowing the ring to take on it's own character; a polished ring will dull down and a satin ring will brighten up. One ring of each finish, satin and polished, and worn under the same conditions, will eventually end up looking the same.
  • Myth: Titanium rings cannot be cut off in an emergency.
  • Fact: This one always gets a good laugh amongst us makers of the rings! :-) Titanium rings can be cut off in an emergency using a standard jewellers ring cutter. It's best to use a new carbide blade when performing this operation for the speediest results.